This was one saturday morning anime u wouln´d miss, or for the rest of the day u were bored.And its right that a lot of ppl like this serie´s because in many ways its quite well done, good thing i rewatched it some days ago, teleporting me back to the 90´s for all i care. Mainly i like it because it starts strong & ends strong and fitting, putting a MILEWIDE smile to my face!Storywise it proresses well, untill the last 6 episodes that has the unexcpected twists and turns, but still connects to the story,and all of the madness loosed at once, handdrawn ppl, thats still 90's anime and i grew up with it, the nice gritty shady recording version i NEVER EVER throw away. Persona have all and interesting backstory from the heroes and villians alike without a damn rushed boring whatever.....
and most of the girls act more mature instead of the stereotypical types in lots of other anime. Epeleptycal i would call the last 3 episode's cuz it hurt my eyes a bit . Mystical and some spititual content in the serie was my most fav aspect of it all till the damn end, well done and a thought through story! a collection reccomendation!